2018 Pledge/Giving Campaign

“Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” -Paul, Acts 9:6 (King James Version)

First Baptist Church, Frederick, MD

October 29, 2017

Dear First Baptist Church Members and Friends,

We are kicking off our 2018 Pledge/Giving Campaign.  We are asking for a financial pledge and/or a pledge of your time and talent.  By making an annual pledge, you are helping us know what to expect for income and participation. Pledging also gives you the opportunity to budget for your contribution as you budget for other family and household expenses.

Please prayerfully consider your pledge to First Baptist Church (FBC) for 2018.  We are not seeking a set amount but would ask everyone to contribute in some way.  Only you know the financial contribution that is a good fit for your household and circumstances.  As your Stewardship Committee, our goal is for our church to be financially sound and spiritually vibrant.  As a church, our goal is to be the most effective and joyous servants of God that we can be.

Please complete the attached pledge card and return it to the church by placing it in the offering plate, mailing it (U. S. Mail or email) or bringing it to the office by November 12, 2017.  This will be an ongoing campaign for 2018 so if God leads you to make a pledge, your pledge is welcome at any time.  The card also allows for an “Above and Beyond” financial pledge for the remainder of 2017.  The card is also available at the front desk, in the sanctuary, in the office, or on our website at firstfrederick.org for printing or emailing.

Please click for a printable copy of the Pledge Card.

Every gift of time, talent and treasure truly makes a difference. Thank you for your ongoing generosity to FBC.

In His Service,
Your Stewardship Committee